ALCOS GRAHA JAYA Company started the business from 1984 as a company which specializes in the field of Steel and Civil Construction. In 2000 until now, we developed ourselves by expanding our business coverage variants of fields such as Mechanical, Electrical and Maintenance Building. We got BRIDGESTONE TIRE INDONESIA , KOMATSU INDONESIA, YAMAHA INDONESIA MOTOR MANUFACTURING and ISUZU ASTRA MOTOR INDONESIA as our clients and various projects such as WTP Plant Building work, concrete flooring, building maintenance, Factory Area Block Paving Work, Factory Area Expansion, hot mixing work and many more..
We start the construction business in the beginning of 1980. In 2000, it ignited into a solid construction company. 20 years equipped with experience, knowledge and excellent human source supports, we are made to be ready for the toughest competition.